
It begins…

After a few hours of Minecraft and general laziness, I finally logged into Guild Wars 2  early this morning to start my main character, Gracelyn Moonshadow. The game was lagging (FPS) for me like it was for the latter two beta weekends and the stress tests, but I still managed to push through the tutorial and make my way to the ruins of the Hall of Monuments. :) Over the rest of the weekend, I'll see if I can't get better performance using either graphic card tweaks, command line arguments (for the client), or both. If that doesn't work, then I will consider either upgrading my graphic card or building a new rig altogether. Still… It's odd that I had somewhat better performance with the first BWE's client than with the current client. :/


Since I have not been using this blog for its originally-intended purpose, I have re-purposed it for sharing random stuff from the games I play. Any Ragnarök Online posts I make here will also be cross-posted to my RO Story blog .

Gracelynn Becomes a Priest!

I know I'm late in posting this, but whatever. :P  I finally finished off my acolyte's last job level Thursday evening  with the help of a guild mate. Once that was accomplished, we stayed in the dungeon for a few more minutes to get my next base level and then I went to job change to priest. :D


Gracelynn Oh, hello there, my name is Gracelynn. I'm not very good with introductions, so I guess I'll just cut to the chase. Ask me any questions you can think of (please try to keep them SFW ) and I will try my best to answer them. :3 - Gracelynn